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Lauran Neergaard

Our bacteria travel everywhere with us

Researchers attempting to understand microbiome, how it affects our health

What makes math brains?

The ol’ noggin needs experience to retain those arithmetic solutions

This one-two punch could help eradicate polio

Shots, drops – which to use has been controversial

CDC director: Scale of Ebola crisis unprecedented

WASHINGTON – A U.S. health official warns that the current Ebola crisis in West Africa is on pace to sicken more people than all other previous outbreaks of the disease combined. ...

Biological pacemaker on horizon

Experiments on pigs’ hearts have led to battery-less option

Do you know how strong that drink is?

Calculator helps figure how much alcohol you are about to consume

Building a better helmet to knock out concussions

New design aims for more complete head protection

New study could nip Alzheimer’s in the bud

Healthy seniors to be tested in bid to foil disease

Waits for doctors can vary widely outside VA

There are wide variations in wait times, depending on where you live and what kind of care you’re seeking. Need routine primary care? The average wait to see a family physician fo...

Floating lab showcases ‘aliens of the sea’

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. – Researcher Leonid Moroz emerges from a dive off the Florida Keys and gleefully displays a plastic bag holding a creature that shimmers like an opal in the seawater. ...

Growing new muscle in men’s injured legs

WASHINGTON – Scientists implanted thin sheets of scaffolding-like material from pigs into a few young men with disabling leg injuries – and say the experimental treatment coaxed the men’s ow...

New way to beat jet-lag?

App promises what it hasn’t delivered